Figure 7. The Bmper locus has an intronic TR site that is bound and activated by TBX1.
A: Snapshot of the UCSC browser showing the TR site in intron 13 in the Bmper locus and it is evolutionarily conserved in some rodent species. B: GST-TBX1 was able to bind to the TR motif in the Bmper locus. C: Luciferase assay results demonstrate a 1.8 fold increase (Students t-test *p<0.003; ±SD; n≥3) in activation when Tbx1pCDNA3.1 was cotransfected with the 400 bp element. D: Whole mount in situ hybridization of Bmper antisense mRNA in Tbx1+/+ (left) versus Tbx1-/- (right) embryos at E10.5. Expression of Tbx1 is reduced in the core mesoderm of the pharyngeal apparatus (long arrow) and otic vesicle (short arrow), but remains in the somites.