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. 2013 Nov 14;5(5):179–187. doi: 10.4161/isl.26980

Table 2. Progress of islet imaging on MRI.

Year References MRI condition Strength in scanners Donor Recipient Contrast agent Comments
2004 37 T2WI 4.7T rat rat Resovist® The first study for MRI imaging
2005 39 T2WI 4.7T rat (allo) rat Resovist® Rejection model on MRI
2006 41 T2WI 4.7T human mouse
Certified islets both on MRI and in histological staining
2006 46 T2WI 1.5T rat rat Feridex® with poly-l-lysine Availability of clinical MRI
Few toxic agents
2007 43 T1WI 7T mouse and human mouse
(immune deficient)
Gd The first study of T1WI MRI
2007 60 T1 and T2WI 11.7T mouse mouse Feridex® and Gd Visualized islets by Feridex® labeling and vessels around islets by Gd enhancement
2007 64 T2WI 3T human pig Feridex® (encapsulated islets) MRI for large animals
2008 66 T2WI 1.5T human human Resovist® The first clinical success of MRI imaging
2009 54 T2WI 4.7T rat rat
Feridex®, Resovist®, Endorem® Evaluation of toxicity in various SPIOs
2009 65 T2WI 1.5T baboon baboon (auto) Feridex® Autotranplantation model using non-human primates
2010 67 T2WI 3T human human Resovist® Clinical MRI imaging
2011 53 T2WI 1.5T rat mouse
(immune deficient
Feridex® with heparin Lower toxicity
Improving engraftment