Fig. 12.
Hypoglossal/hypobranchial muscles develop in the Pax3 mouse mutant Splotch delayed. (A, G) Wildtype and Splotch (Sp/Sp) mutant embryos at E10 of development, stained for the expression of Lbx1, lateral view, rostral to the top. The hypoglossal cord containing the emigrating HMP is well developed in the wildtype (A, arrow); in the mutant, cells projecting towards the floor of the pharyngeal arches are also visible (G, arrow). (B–F) Serial frontal sections from the proximal root (B) to the distal tip (F) of the tongue of a E14 wildtype mouse head, stained for Myosin Heavy Chains. Intrinsic and extrinsic hypoglossal muscles are well developed. (H–L) Corresponding frontal sections of a E14 Splotch delayed (Spd/Spd) head; although reduced, hypoglossal muscles developed. Abbreviations: fl, fore limb; gg, genioglossus muscle; hg, hyoglossus muscle; hy, hyoid arch; li, longitudinalis inferior muscle; ls, longitudinalis superior muscle; ma, mandibular arch; mc, Meckel׳s cartilage; myh, mylohyoid muscle; sg, styloglossus muscle; tl, transverses linguae muscle; and wt, wildtype.