(A) Baseline diffusion connectometry analysis for patient 2, demonstrated the affected areas as being parts of the corpus callosum (CC), corticospinal (Cort-sp.) tracts, and inferior occipito-frontal (Inf. Occ. Fr.) fasciculi bilaterally. (B, left lateral view) and (C, posterior view) 6 months later shows extensive bilateral changes now involving corticospinal tracts, frontal fibers coursing toward the brainstem in the posterior limb of the internal capsule (Int. Cap.); cinguli (Cing.); superior longitudinal (Sup. Long.); and inferior occipito-frontal fasciculi. (D) Cortical end points for the second scan display predominant involvement of fibers originating from the precentral gyrus (Precent. gyr.) and frontal areas.