Specific community structure types significantly differentiate all population comparisons. (A) Heat map showing the structural differences between each community type. The top 3 rows show the percentages of individuals classified as a case, diarrheal control, or nondiarrheal control across each type. The remaining rows show the relative abundances for OTUs identified using feature selection through randomForest analysis. Although the relative abundance of C. difficile OTU 19 is shown, it was not considered in the formation of these community types. Types are ordered by decreasing percentage of case individuals. (B to D) ROC curves and AUC values with 95% confidence intervals in parentheses for each model comparing cases and nondiarrheal controls (B), cases and diarrheal controls (C), and diarrheal controls and nondiarrheal controls (D). Red represents the base model, blue represents the community types model, and green represents the base plus community type model. The straight line represents the null model.