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. 2014 Feb;104(Suppl 1):S49–S57. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301583


Definition of Maternal Morbidities and Risk Behaviors Using ICD-9-CM Codes: California; 1999, 2002, and 2005

Morbidity or Risk Behavior ICD-9-CM Discharge Codes Sensitivity, % Specificity, %
Hypertension 401–405, 642
Chronic hypertension 401–405, 642.0, 642.1, 642.2 44–86 97–100
Pregnancy-related hypertension 642.3, 642.4, 642.5, 642.6, 642.7 49–88 100
Diabetes 250, 648.0, 648.8
Pregestational diabetes 250, 648.0 75–100 99–100
Gestational diabetes 648.8 69–96 100
Asthma 493 12–42 98
Thyroid disordersa 240–246, 648.1 10–97 100
Obesityb 278 11
Mental health conditionsc 290–302, 317–319, 648.4, V11
Substance abused 304, 305.2–305.9, 648.3, 655.5
Tobacco usee 305.1, V15.82 15–66 99

Note. ICD-9-CM = International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification.26


Includes hyperthyroid disorder (244.9) and hypothyroid disorder (240.9).


Obesity was defined as a body mass index (weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters) of ≥ 30.


Mental health conditions include dementias, alcohol-induced mental disorders, drug-induced mental disorders, transient and persistent mental disorders resulting from conditions classified elsewhere, schizophrenic disorders, episodic mood disorders, delusional disorders, psychoses, pervasive developmental disorders, anxiety, dissociative and somatoform disorders, personality disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders, mild intellectual disabilities, other specified intellectual disabilities, mental disorders complicating pregnancy and childbirth or the puerperium, and personal history of mental disorder.


Substance abuse includes drug abuse; nondependent cannabis abuse; nondependent hallucinogen abuse; nondependent sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic abuse; nondependent opioid abuse; nondependent cocaine abuse; nondependent amphetamine or related acting symphathomimetic abuse; nondependent antidepressant type abuse; nondependent other mixed or unspecified drug abuse; drug dependence complicating pregnancy and childbirth or the puerperium; and suspected damage to fetus from drugs affecting management of mother.


Tobacco use includes tobacco use disorder and personal history of tobacco use.