(A) Immunodeficient SCID mice (left panel) or immunocompetent A/J mice
(right panel) were administered 106 (left panel) or 107 (right
panel) P. chabaudi prbcs attenuated with 2 μM centanamycin or
107 WT parasites (right panel). qPCR was performed to estimate parasite
density in the blood at various time points. y axes show the estimated
parasite density. (B) To assess immunity, A/J mice (5 per group) were
immunized with a single dose of 106P. chabaudi prbcs
attenuated with centanamycin, TH-III-149, or AS-VIII-104, as indicated, or left
untreated. All were challenged 5 weeks later with 105P.
chabaudi prbcs i.v. (C) To assess immunity in a different mouse
strain, C57BL/6 mice were either immunized with a single dose of
106P. chabaudi prbcs attenuated with centanamycin or given
a saline injection (control) and challenged 9 weeks later with 105P.
chabaudi prbcs i.v. (D) TH-III-149 (for P.
vinckei challenge) or centanamycin (for P. yoelii challenge)
were used to attenuate P. chabaudi, and mice were immunized with a
single dose of 106 prbcs and challenged 4 weeks later with either
104P. vinckei or 104P. yoelii
prbcs i.v. Plus signs indicate that mice succumbed to the infection.