Table 1.
Weekly group session topics for GLB core program and E-LITE weekly physical activity sessions.
Session | GLB Core Program | E-LITE Physical Activity |
1 | Welcome Getting Started Losing Weight | Introduction to Physical Activity Basic Stretches |
2 | Be a Fat and Calorie Detective | Establishing a Baseline: Timed Walk |
3 | Healthy Eating | Different Ways to Move |
4 | Move Those Muscles | Monitoring Your Intensity |
5 | Tip the Calorie Balance | Flexibility |
6 | Take Charge of What’s Around You | Checking Your Progress: Timed Walk |
7 | Problem Solving | Functional Fitness |
8 | Four Keys to Healthy Eating Out | Core and Balance Training |
9 | The Slippery Slope of Lifestyle Change | Strength Training |
10 | Jump Start Your Activity Plan | No Excuses |
11 | Make Social cues Work for You | Design Your Own Circuit |
12 | Ways to Stay Motivated | Celebration: Timed Walk |