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. 2013 Nov 15;3(4):mmrr.003.04.a01. doi: 10.5600/mmrr.003.04.a01

Exhibit 7. Comparative Odds of Being Observed as Treated by Beta Blockers Using a 30-Day Observable Day Requirement or Adjustment for Total Number of Observable Days.

Method 1 (Acute Care Discharge Date) Method 2 (Institutional Discharge Date) Adjustment for Number of Observable Days using Acute Discharge Date
Unadjusted ORs (95% CL) Adjusted ORs (95% CL) Unadjusted OR (95% CL) Adjusted ORs (95% CL) Unadjusted OR (95% CL) Adjusted ORs (95% CL)
Group 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 NA NA
Group 22 0.60 0.71 0.59 0.70 NA NA
(0.59, 0.62) (0.70, 0.73) (0.57, 0.60) (0.68, 0.71)
Group 33 0.38 0.52 NA NA NA NA
(0.37, 0.39) (0.51, 0.54)
Age 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97
(0.97, 0.97) (0.97, 0.97) (0.97, 0.97) (0.97, 0.97) (0.97, 0.97) (0.97, 0.97)
CCI score 0.86 0.89 0.86 0.89 0.86 0.90
(0.86, 0.86) (0.89, 0.90) (0.86, 0.87) (0.89, 0.89) (0.86, 0.86) (0.90, 0.91)
Inpatient LOS 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.99
(0.96, 0.96) (0.98, 0.98) (0.96, 0.96) (0.97, 0.98) (0.96, 0.96) (0.99,0.99)
Number of observable days NA NA NA NA 1.06 1.05
(1.06,1.06) (1.05, 1.05)

NOTES: 1Group 1 were discharged to community and observable all 30 days.


Group 2 were discharged to community but were unobservable at some point during the first 30 days.


Group 3 were discharged to post-acute care, and were immediately unobservable.

SOURCE: Calculations based on CCW Medicare AMI cohort 2007–2008, using enrollment and Part A and B fee-for-service claims, 2006–2009.