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. 2014 May 6;9(5):e96363. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096363

Table 2. List of fungal OTU pairs that displayed segregated or aggregated patterns when each host plant species was analyzed independently (Test 1).

Pair of OTUs C or T score P FDR§
IDs (Taxonomic information)
Q. serrata
Segregation (C score analysis)
757 (class: Leotiomycetes) 167 (genus: Cenococcum)* 0.679 0.0042 1.000
Aggregation (T score analysis)
509 (genus: Russula)* 115 (phylum: Ascomycota) 0.072 0.0010 0.300
193 (genus: Russula)* 115 (phylum: Ascomycota) 0.133 0.0016 0.300
331 (family: Herpotrichiellaceae) 185 (genus: Russula)* 0.075 0.0034 0.409
Q. glauca
Aggregation (T score analysis)
331 (family: Herpotrichiellaceae) 205 (genus: Lactarius)* 0.115 0.0007 0.124
375 (subkingdom: Dikarya) 203 (class: Leotiomycetes) 0.093 0.0024 0.154
199 (phylum: Ascomycota) 1845 (order: Helotiales) 0.150 0.0030 0.154
115 (phylum: Ascomycota) 1135 (genus: Russula)* 0.092 0.0038 0.154
193 (genus: Russula)* 115 (phylum: Ascomycota) 0.131 0.0043 0.154

Legend: The significance of C or T scores was examined based on a randomization test for each pair of fungal OTUs (100,000 permutations).

For each fungal OTU, taxonomic information based on the QCauto method is shown. Asterisks indicate possibly ectomycorrhizal OTUs.


Adjusted P values (FDR control).