The role of vitamin B12 on METE expression. A, RT-qPCR analysis of METE expression in C. reinhardtii over time after the addition of vitamin B12 (1,000 ng L−1) normalized to expression at time 0 (i.e. prior to B12 addition). Transcript expression was quantified and normalized using RACK1 as a housekeeping gene (Mus et al., 2007; Dubini et al., 2009). Values are means and error bars denote the range (n = 2). B, METE transcript abundance after the addition of different concentrations of vitamin B12 for C. reinhardtii (as described above; solid line) and the marine diatom P. tricornutum (as normalized to Histone H4, 30S Ribosomal protein S1, and TATA box-binding protein as housekeeping genes [Siaut et al., 2007]; dashed line). Values are means and error bars denote the range (n = 2). C, METE protein abundance after the addition of vitamin B12 (1,000 ng L−1; as normalized to the quantity of loaded protein calculated from a Coomassie Brilliant Blue-stained gel). Values are means and se (n = 3). D, METE protein abundance after the addition of different concentrations of vitamin B12. Values are means and se (n = 3).