Figure 3.
METE is expressed in the presence of vitamin B12 in C. subellipsoidea, which lacks METH. A, Comparison of the METE amino acid sequences of C. subellipsoidea (C.s), C. merolae (C.m), and P. tricornutum (P.t) with the C. reinhardtii (C.r) METE antibody-binding site (Schneider et al., 2008). Shared residues are shaded gray. B, METE abundance in C. subellipsoidea in the presence (10 µg L−1) and absence of vitamin B12 using western blotting with the C. reinhardtii METE antibody (Schneider et al., 2008). C, Quantification of METE levels in C. subellipsoidea in the presence (10 µg L−1) and absence of B12. Values are means and se (n = 3).