Table 1. Hawaiian Ecosystem Modifying Invasive Plants (EMIP's) selected for this analysis.
Species Name | CommonName | 3Code | Family | Established in Hawaii | 1Habitat (Wagner et al, [43]) | 2Habitat (Price et al, [42]) | Number of Records | 4RA | RA Score2 |
Clidemia hirta | Koster's curse | CliHir | Melastomataceae | 1941 (72 years) | Mesic to Wet Forest | Mesic-Wet | 60 | High Risk | 27 |
Falcataria moluccana | Albizia | FalMol | Fabaceae | 1920 (93 years) | Disturbed Mesic to Wet Areas | Mesic | 414 | High Risk | 8 |
Hedychium gardnerianum | Kāhili ginger | HedGar | Zingiberaceae | 1940 (73 years) | Wet Forest | Wet | 218 | High Risk | 16 |
Lantana camara | Lantana | LanCam | Verbenaceae | 1858 (155 years) | - | Dry-Mesic | 307 | High Risk | 32 |
Leucaena leucocephala | Koa haole, ēkoa | LeuLeu | Fabaceae | 1837 (176 years) | - | Dry | 502 | High Risk | 15 |
Melinis minutiflora | Molasses grass | MelMin | Poaceae | 1910 (103 years) | Dry to Mesic Areas | Mesic | 298 | High Risk | 18 |
Miconia calvescens | Miconia | MicCal | Melastomataceae | ∼1983 (30 years) | - | Mesic-Wet | 102,595 | High Risk | 14 |
Morella faya | Firetree | MorFay | Myricaceae | 1926 (87 years) | Mesic to Wet Forest | Mesic | 968 | High Risk | 17 |
Panicum maximum | Guinea grass | PanMax | Poaceae | 1871 (142 years) | - | Dry | 44 | High Risk | 17 |
Passiflora tarminiana | Banana poka | PasTar | Passifloraceae | 1926 (87 years) | Mesic Forests | Dry | 5857 | High Risk | 24 |
Pennisetum clandestinum | Kikuyu grass | PenCla | Poaceae | 1923 (90 years) | Dry to Mesic Forests | Mesic | 135 | High Risk | 18 |
Pennisetum setaceum | Fountain grass | PenSet | Poaceae | 1914 (99 years) | Dry/Open Areas (e.g. Lava fields) | Dry | 317 | High Risk | 26 |
Psidium cattleianum | Strawberry guava | PsiCat | Myrtaceae | 1825 (188 years) | Mesic and Wet Forest | Wet | 540 | High Risk | 18 |
Schinus terebinthifolius | Christmas berry | SchTer | Anacardiaceae | 1911 (102 years) | Disturbed Mesic Forests | Mesic | 916 | High Risk | 19 |
Setaria palmifolia | Palmgrass | SetPal | Poaceae | 1903 (110 years) | Mesic to Wet Forest | Wet | 1059 | High Risk | 7** |
Sphaeropteris (syn: Cyathea) cooperi | Australian tree fern | SphCoo | Cyatheaceae | 1950 (63 years) | Wet Forest | Dry | 79 | High Risk | 8 |
Ulex europaeus | Gorse | UleEur | Fabaceae | 1914 (99 years) | - | Mesic | 473 | High Risk | 20 |
Avg. Establishment: | ∼1908 (104±41 years) | SUM: | 114,782 | Avg. RA | 18.8 |
Habitat is described by a broad habitat descriptor defining the ecotype and year naturalized (or first collected) as inferred from [43], [122].
The moistures index developed by Price et al. [42] defined species specific moisture types from collection data.
For ease of interpretation each species was coded using a representative six letter combination.
Risk Assessment (RA) scores and categories defined by Dahler et al. [19] and Pheloung et al. [41] accessed from:
**Based on estimates for Australia [41] accessed from: