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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2013 Sep;34(7):469–477. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0b013e3182a39890

Table 4.

Results of Two-Step Hierarchical Regression Analysis Examining Personal Factors and ADHD Symptom Domains as Predictors of Impairments in Major Life Areas and Participation Restrictions

Major Life Areas
Participation Restrictions
Parent Rated Overall School Teacher Rated Disrupting Class Parent Rated Organized Activities
Step 1 β Step 2 β Step 1 β Step 2 β Step 1 β Step 2 β
Age .08c .07c −.24c .00 −.14c −.13c
Gender .05b .02 .14c .05c .02 .02
LD .14c .12c −.02 −.01 -
Med Status - - −.03a .01 .04b .05c
ODD, P .11c .06a .08c .02 .20c .12c
ODD, T .06c .11b .42c .13c .12c .15c
INT, P .01 −.03a −.10c −.03a .18c .16c
INT, T .05b −.02 −.07c −.07c .02 .02

IA, P - .26b .02 .08c
IA, T - .28b .09c .04a
HI, P - −.02 .05b .11c
HI, T - −.15b .66c −.08c

R2 .05 .35 .16
F 38.14 c 318.57c 131.62c
ΔR2 .14 .31 .02
ΔF 219.70 c 1076.53c 24.57c

Note. IA = Inattention, HI = Hyperactive/Impulsive, LD = Learning Disability, ODD = Oppositional Defiant, INT = Internalizing, P = parent report, T = teacher report. Bold indicates that the step predicts at least 5% of the variance in the model. Dashes indicate that the variable was not included in the model because the bivariate relationship was non-significant. P-values for IA, P; IA, T; HI, P; HI, T in step 2 for all analyses were corrected for multiple comparisons using false discovery rate.





