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. 2014 Apr 30;70(Pt 5):1321–1335. doi: 10.1107/S1399004714002739

Table 3. Missense point mutations in SGSH and their expected effect based on the atomic structure of SGSH.

Abbreviations: NR, not reported; Interm., intermediate; sc, side chain, H bond, hydrogen bond; NASA, normalized accessible surface area per atom per residue (as a percentage of the maximal value for any internal residue in SGSH).

Protein Codon Phenotype NASA Type Effect of mutation on structure Reference
M1V 1A>G NR   Signal peptide Part of signal peptide Pollard et al. (2013)
L12Q 35T>A Late   Signal peptide Part of signal peptide Valstar et al. (2010)
A30P 88G>C NR 0 Buried Steric clash close to Ca2+-binding site; loss of H bond to Thr271 Pollard et al. (2013)
D32G 95A>G Early 1 Metal binding Disruption of Ca2+ binding Beesley et al. (2000)
D32E 96C>A/G Late 1 Metal binding Altered Ca2+ binding Meyer et al. (2008)
G33R 97G>A NR 4 Buried Introduces bulky sc next to Ca2+-binding Asp32 Pollard et al. (2013)
Y40N 118T>A Interm. 13 Surface Loss of H bonding to Leu294 and Phe60, and of -stacking interactions; next to glycosylation site Di Natale et al. (1998)
N42K 126C>A Early 6 Surface Loss of H bonding to Ala44, Ile45 and Tyr240; steric clash Lee-Chen et al. (2002)
A44T 130G>A Early 31 Surface Steric clash at surface site Di Natale et al. (1998), Esposito et al. (2000)
S66W 197C>G Early 2 Buried Introduction of bulky sc in buried position in loop close to active site Blanch et al. (1997), Weber et al. (1997), Di Natale et al. (1998), Montfort et al. (1998), Beesley et al. (2000), Chabs et al. (2001), Piotrowska et al. (2009), Valstar et al. (2010), Muschol et al. (2011), Pollard et al. (2013)
R74C 220C>T Early 0 Buried Disruption of ion pairs/H bonds with Ca2+-binding Asp31, FGly70 and Asp273; possible interference with disulfide-bridge formation Bunge et al. (1997), Weber et al. (1997), Di Natale et al. (1998), Beesley et al. (2000), Esposito et al. (2000), Emre et al. (2002), Muschol et al. (2004, 2011), Meyer et al. (2008), Piotrowska et al. (2009), Valstar et al. (2010), Pollard et al. (2013)
R74H 221G>A Early 0 Buried Disruption of ion pairs/H bonds with Ca2+-binding Asp31, FGly70 and Asp273 Bunge et al. (1997), Chabs et al. (2001)
T79P 235A>C Early 0 Buried Disruption of H bonding to Ala75, Ser76 and Leu81 Weber et al. (1997), Beesley et al. (2000), Pollard et al. (2013)
H84Y 250C>T Early 1 Buried Loss of H bond to Ser364 and Thr475; steric clash in buried position Beesley et al. (2000)
Q85R 254A>G Early 3 Buried Steric clash Montfort et al. (1998), Chabs et al. (2001)
M88T 263T>C NR 0 Buried Destabilizes van der Waals interactions in buried position; steric clash Fiorentino et al. (2006)
G90R 268G>A Early 0 Buried Gain of bulky sc in buried position; change of / angles Bunge et al. (1997), Piotrowska et al. (2009)
S106R 318C>A Late 0 Buried Loss of H bond to Leu109, Val131; clash possibly accommodated within longer, partially surface-exposed loop Muschol et al. (2004)
T118P 352A>C NR 0 Buried Loss of H bonds to Asp135; destabilizes -sheet Zhang Huiping (2008)
G122R 364G>A Interm. 1 Buried Bulky sc in buried position; Gly / angles Bunge et al. (1997), Di Natale et al. (1998), Beesley et al. (2000), Valstar et al. (2010), Pollard et al. (2013)
P128L 383C>T Late 22 Surface Favourably surface-exposed to minimize steric clash; in loop with FGly-binding His125 and Lys123 Di Natale et al. (1998, 2003)
V131M 391G>A Early 1 Buried Bulky sc in buried position; destabilizes loop with FGly-binding residues Weber et al. (1997)
T139M 416C>T Early 1 Buried Bulky sc in buried position; loss of H bond to Glu141 Weber et al. (1997)
L146P 437T>C Early 11 Surface Loss of H bond to Ser144; some clash at surface; destabilizes helix 5; close to glycosylation site (Asn151) Di Natale et al. (1998)
R150W 448C>T Early 1 Buried Introduction of bulky aromatic sc; loss of salt bridge with Asp179, H bonding to His181 Beesley et al. (2000), Chabs et al. (2001)
R150Q 449G>A Early 1 Buried Loss of ion pair with Asp179, H bonding to His181; next to glycosylated Asn151 Bunge et al. (1997), Di Natale et al. (1998), Chabs et al. (2001), Valstar et al. (2010), Montfort et al. (1998)
L163P 488T>C Early 8 Buried Disruption of hydrophobic interactions, H bond to Val159; clash; destabilizes helix 6 Muschol et al. (2004)
D179N 535G>A Early 1 Buried Loss of buried salt bridges with Arg150, Arg245 Di Natale et al. (1998), Esposito et al. (2000)
P180L 539C>T Late 0 Buried Some steric clash next to active site-residues Asp31 and His181 Valstar et al. (2010)
R182C 544C>T Interm. 4 Buried Loss of ion pair with Asp235, H bond to Pro277 close to active site; possible interference with disulfide-bridge formation Di Natale et al. (1998), Valstar et al. (2010)
G191R 571G>A Early 11 Surface Surface-exposed but steric clash with scs of Glu195 and Lys196; Gly / angles Muschol et al. (2004), Valstar et al. (2010)
F193L 579C>G NR 0 Buried Disrupts -stacking next to active-site loop (His181) Bunge et al. (1997), Yogalingam Hopwood (2001)
R206P 617G>C Late 73 Surface Suface-exposed; Arg206 has no backbone amide H bond to lose; close to glycosylated Asn151; change in / angles Montfort et al. (1998), Esposito et al. (2000), Chabs et al. (2001), Gabrielli et al. (2005)
P227R 680C>G Early 0 Buried Steric clash from bulky substitution disrupts packing in buried position Di Natale et al. (1998), Esposito et al. (2000)
A234G 701C>G Early 51 Surface Unclear; possibly destabilization of helix 7 Weber et al. (1997)
D235N 703G>A Early 1 Buried Loss of buried salt bridge with Arg182 and of H-bond acceptor Beesley et al. (2000), Lee-Chen et al. (2002)
D235V 704A>T NR 1 Buried Loss of buried salt bridge with Arg182 and of H bonds to Thr192 and Thr407 Bunge et al. (1997)
T242T 726C>T NR 0 Buried Unclear Valstar et al. (2010)
R245H 734G>A Early 0 Buried Loss of buried salt bridge with Asp179 and H bonds to Asp179 and Cys194; clash; packing of helix 7 Blanch et al. (1997), Bunge et al. (1997), Weber et al. (1997, 1998), Beesley et al. (2000), Muschol et al. (2004, 2011), Meyer et al. (2008), Valstar et al. (2010), Pollard et al. (2013)
D247H 739G>C NR 1 Buried Loss of H bonding to Leu50; clash Valstar et al. (2010)
G251A 752G>C Late 13 Surface Some clash with sc of His49 in surface-exposed site Meyer et al. (2008), Muschol et al. (2011)
D273N 817G>A Early 2 Metal binding Disrupts Ca2+ binding Beesley et al. (2000)
Y286S 857A>C NR 4 Buried Disruption of H bond to Glu437 and of -stacking interactions Yogalingam Hopwood (2001)
P288S 862C>T Early 5 Buried Possibly unsatisfied H bonding in sc of Ser in buried position Emre et al. (2002)
P288L 863C>T NR 5 Buried Steric clash Pollard et al. (2013)
E292K 874G>A Late 0 Buried Buried water might offer space to accommodate larger sc Piotrowska et al. (2009)
P293T 877C>A NR 3 Buried Steric clash; loss of Pro from three-residue loop Di Natale et al. (2006)
P293S 877C>T Early 3 Buried Unclear; loss of Pro from three-residue loop Lee-Chen et al. (2002), Pollard et al. (2013)
S298P 892T>C Late 1 Buried Loss of H bonds to Glu300, His301, but steric clash milder as buried water offers substitution space; favourable / angles (Ser297, Ser298) Bunge et al. (1997), Beesley et al. (2000), Muschol et al. (2004, 2011), Meyer et al. (2008), Valstar et al. (2010), Pollard et al. (2013)
E300V 899A>T Early 48 Surface Unclear; loss of surface salt bridge with Arg23; little steric clash Bekri et al. (2005)
R304L 911G>T NR 7 Surface Loss of surface salt bridge with Glu355 and of H bonds to Ala351 and Gln307; some steric clash Di Natale et al. (2006), Pollard et al. (2013)
Q307P 920A>C Early 38 Surface Loss of surface H bonds to Arg304; steric clash; destabilization of strand 8 Bekri et al. (2005)
A311D 932C>A NR 3 Buried Steric clash; buried charge; unsatisfied H bonding Pollard et al. (2013)
D317H 949G>C NR 4 Buried Steric clash; loss of H bonds to Ser314, Arg346 Pollard et al. (2013)
T321A 961A>G NR 0 Buried Loss of H bonds to Asp317, Leu348 and of van der Waals interactions Bunge et al. (1997)
I322S 965T>G Late 0 Buried Loss of van der Waals interactions, but I322S can H-bond to Leu318 Beesley et al. (2000)
S347Y 1040C>A NR 15 Surface Bulky aromatic in solvent-exposed position, but with minimal steric clash; loss of H bonds to Asp324, Leu349 Valstar et al. (2010)
S347F 1040C>T Late 15 Surface Bulky aromatic in solvent-exposed position, but with minimal steric clash; loss of H bonds to Asp324, Leu349 Miyazaki et al. (2002)
A354P 1060G>C Early 58 Surface Loss of H bond to Pro350; steric clash with Pro350; change in / angles Montfort et al. (1998), Chabs et al. (2001)
E355K 1063G>A Early 39 Surface Loss of surface salt bridge with Arg304 and of H bonds to Ser309, Glu310; charge switch Beesley et al. (2000)
S364R 1092C>G NR 1 Buried Loss of H bonds to Gln83 and His84; marked steric clash in buried position Bunge et al. (1997)
E369K 1105G>A Early 6 Surface Loss of H bond to Gln400; charge switch close to active site Di Natale et al. (1998, 2003), Esposito et al. (2000), Valstar et al. (2010), Pollard et al. (2013)
Y374H 1120T>C Early 2 Buried Unsatisfied H bonding; charge Beesley et al. (2000)
R377C 1129C>T Early 0 Buried Loss of buried salt bridge with Asp477 and of H bonds to Ser366, Met376; plausibly interference with disulfide-bridge formation Di Natale et al. (1998), Lee-Chen et al. (2002)
R377H 1130G>A Early 0 Buried Loss of buried salt bridge with Asp477 and of H bonds to Ser366, Met376 Weber et al. (1997), Yogalingam Hopwood (2001), Bunge et al. (1997), Valstar et al. (2010)
R377L 1130G>T NR 0 Buried Loss of buried salt bridge with Asp477 and of H bonds to Ser366, Met376 Pollard et al. (2013)
Q380R 1139A>G Early 2 Buried Gain of charge in buried position close to surface; steric clash may affect H bond to Arg382 Weber et al. (1997), Valstar et al. (2010)
L386R 1157T>G Early 0 Buried Introduction of charge and steric clash in buried position; disruption of hydrophobic interactions Montfort et al. (1998), Chabs et al. (2001)
V387M 1159G>A NR 2 Buried Bulky residue in buried position Di Natale et al. (2006)
N389S 1166A>G NR 0 Buried Loss of buried H bonds to Ala434, Glu437 Pollard et al. (2013)
N389K 1167C>A NR 0 Buried Loss of buried H bonds to Ala434, Glu437; steric clash Bunge et al. (1997), Valstar et al. (2010)
L411R 1232T>G NR 1 Buried Introduction of charge in buried position; steric clash; disruption of hydrophobic interactions Valstar et al. (2010)
T415P 1243A>C NR 34 Surface Loss of H bond to Leu411; steric clash with Leu411; kink in helix 11 close to glycosylation site Pollard et al. (2013)
T421R 1262C>G Late 16 Surface Loss of H bond to Trp423; solvent exposure accommodates bulky sc Valstar et al. (2010)
R433W 1297C>T Early 6 Buried Loss of buried H bonds to Asn284, Tyr430 and of charge; steric clash Beesley et al. (2000), Yogalingam Hopwood (2001), Chabs et al. (2001), Muschol et al. (2004), Pollard et al. (2013)
R433Q 1298G>A Early 6 Buried Loss of buried H bonds to Asn284, Tyr430 and of charge; destabilizes packing Chabs et al. (2001), Di Natale et al. (2003), Valstar et al. (2010)
D444G 1331A>G Late 13 Surface Loss of surface H bonds to Thr448, Gln449 Miyazaki et al. (2002)
E447K 1339G>A Early 8 Surface Switch of charge in partly buried location Blanch et al. (1997), Chabs et al. (2001)
Q472H 1416G>C NR 6 Surface Loss of H bond to Asp477 Pollard et al. (2013)
V486F 1456G>T Late 37 Dimer interface Disruption of dimer interface Beesley et al. (2000)