Figure 5. Experiment 2 highlight analyses.
Mutual information (MI) between the presence of a highlight and the reported sign of surface curvature, as a function of the shading and highlight orientation. As this analysis is only possible for observers whose perception is modulated by a highlight, we weight each observer's data by his/her MI(highlight, shape) over both experiments. Green diamonds indicate weighted average over observers, and shaded region indicates ±1SEM. The black line indicates the model fit. (a) MI(highlight, shape) as a function of shading orientation, averaged over highlight location. The highlight only has influence when the illumination is not directly overhead. (b–d) MI(highlight, shape) for three example highlight locations. Mutual information is generally highest when the highlight is consistent with the shading. (e) Variation in the probability assigned by the model to the specular interpretation of the highlight (vs. the local illuminant interpretation) as a function of the angular offset between the highlight and shading gradient direction.