Figure 2. Promoter activities of genes can be well-described by one or two principal components.
(a) fliY promoter activity dynamics in 15 different measured conditions (15 combinations of conditions A,B,C,D). (b) First two principal components dynamics of fliY, according to principal component analysis of fliY dynamics in all conditions and combinations. (c) Fraction of variance explained by the first two principal components for all 94 promoters in 15 environments. Red arrows: fliY and rrnB with 91% and 99% explained variance. (d) rrnB promoter activity dynamics in 15 different measured conditions (e) The first PC of rrnB according to principal component analysis of rrnB expression dynamics in all conditions and combinations. (f) Fraction of variance explained by only the first principal components for all 94 promoters in 15 environments. Red arrows fliY and rrnB with 53% and 98% explained variance.