Figure 3. Cyclin E over expression inhibits cell growth through autophagy.
(a) line diagram shows the growth curve of MCF10A parental (P) or cyclin E over expressing cell clones {MCF10A CyE (B10) and MCF10A CyE (C3). 10,000 cells were plated in 24-well plate and the growth pattern was studied by counting cells every other day by trypsinization followed by cell count using hemocytometer. The values shown are mean + standard error obtained by repeating the growth assay 3 times. An asterisk (*) indicates the statistically significant differences from MCF10A (P) at p < 0.05. (b) Bar diagram shows the % of cells dying through autophagy in cyclin E over expressing cell clones {MCF10A CyE (B10) and MCF10A CyE (C3) as compared to MCF10A parental (P). 100,000 cells were plated in 6-well plate and next day cells were stained by acridine orange, washed with PBS and sorted by flow cytometry. The values shown are mean + standard error obtained by repeating the cell cycle assay 3 times. An asterisk (*) indicates the statistically significant differences from MCF10A (P) at p < 0.05.