Table 1. Maturity‐onset diabetes of the young.
Gene | Protein | Clinical features | |
MODY1 | HNF4A | Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4‐alpha | Sensitive to sulfonylureas |
MODY2 | GCK | Glucokinase | Stable, non‐progressive elevated fasting blood glucose; typically does not require treatment |
MODY3 | HNF1A | Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1‐alpha | Sensitive to sulfonylureas |
MODY4 | PDX1 (IPF1) | Pancreatic duodenal homeobox 1 (insulin promoter factor 1) | Rare, diabetes appears to be mild |
MODY5 | HNF1B | Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1‐beta | Renal and genitourinary abnormalities; atrophy of the pancreas |
MODY6 | NEUROD1 | Neurogenic differentiation 1 | |
MODY7 | CEL | Carboxyl‐ester lipase | Atrophy of the pancreas |
MODY8 | INS | Insulin |
MODY, maturity‐onset diabetes of the young.