FIG. 1.
Luciferase expression in ventricular myocardium. (A) Two cycles of coronary artery occlusions separated by a 5-min reperfusion interval with adenoviral type 5 vector (Ad5Luc) infused during the second occlusion resulted in measurable luciferase activity (LA) in most animals (n=4), but it was not significantly different from the right ventricle (RV) samples (p=0.06 between Ad5Luc and RV by t test after logarithmic transformation). (B) The increase in LA was more pronounced when nitroglycerin (NTG) was co-administered (n=4, ***p<0.001 between Ad5Luc+NTG group and RV group). Values are presented as mean±SEM. (C) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of Ad5Luc DNA in myocardial tissues. Tissues were obtained from three animals. The samples were obtained 3 days after intracoronary delivery of Ad5Luc. The animals were subjected to two short episodes of balloon occlusion. Nuclease-free water served as the DNA template in PCR amplification for negative control (−). The whole-genome DNA was extracted from animals 1, 2, and 3. The RV PCR products displayed no (animal 1 and 2) or very weak signal (animal 3). Both Ad5Luc and Ad5Luc+NTG treatments showed positive adenoviral transduction, and NTG treatment appeared to further enhance Ad5Luc DNA signal.