Figure 5.
Treatment response after a single intratumoral administration of ICOCAV17 in an infiltrative adenoma canine patient. Patient I was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital with urinating problems due to a mass in the prepuce skin. Previously excised relapsing adenoma was diagnosed. A dose of 1 × 1012 viral particles of ICOCAV17 was administered intratumorally (Day 0). At that time, the tumor size was 5.6 × 5 × 3.5 cm. Six months after treatment, the tumor size had reduced by 51% (RECIST) and was 2.9 × 2.8 × 2.2 cm. Tumor size measured by caliper (left) and the depth measured by echographic imaging (right) at days 0 and 180 after treatment, are shown. Right panel: #tumor tissue; *normal tissue. A scale in centimeter is shown in the echographic images.