Figure 4.
Subnetworks of functional connections showing a significant main effect of cue (left column), main effect of diagnosis (middle column) and cue × diagnosis interaction (right column). The top row presents graph-based representations of these subnetworks, with each region represented as a blue circle plotted according to the stereotactic coordinates of its centroid, and each suprathreshold edge represented as a red line. The green edge in the graph for the main effect of cue represents a single edge where connectivity was higher in A cue than B cue trials. For all other edges, connectivity was higher in the B cue condition. For the main effect of diagnosis, all suprathreshold edges reflected reduced connectivity in patients. The graphs are overlaid on cortical surface renderings to provide an orientation with respect to approximate anatomical location. The names of key regions in each subnetwork have been noted for ease of reference. Bottom row presents the proportion of each type of connection in each subnetwork, as categorized according to the lobes each edge interconnects. Amyg, amygdala; Angular, angular gyrus; Fron Inf Oper, inferior frontal operculum; Fron Inf Tri, inferior frontal gyrus, pars Triangularis; Fron Mid, middle frontal gyrus; Fron Sup, superior frontal gyrus; Fron Sup Med, superior frontal gyrus, medial aspect; Hipp, hippocampus; L, left; Ling, lingual gyrus; Mid Cing, midcingulate cortex; Occ Sup, superior occipital gyrus; Par Inf, inferior parietal lobe; Postcentral, postcentral gyrus; Precentral, precentral gyrus; Precun, precuneus; R, right.