Figure 1.
Increased infiltration by CD4+, CD8+, and CD11b+ cells in allogeneically transplanted grafts. (A,B,C) Representative stainings for CD4, CD8, and CD11b in syngeneic (DBA/1 into DBA/1) or allogeneic (FVB into DBA/1) heart allografts explanted at day 100 after transplantation. (D) In FVB into DBA/1 transplanted hearts, significantly elevated numbers of CD4+ cells were detected (day 60, P = 0.0007 and day 100, P <0.0001; day 60 versus day 100, P = 0.0009) in comparison to DBA/1 into DBA/1 transplanted grafts. (E) FVB allografts transplanted into DBA/1 recipients showed numbers of CD8+ cells (day 60, P <0.0001 and day 100, P <0.0001; day 60 versus day 100, P = 0.1921) that were significantly higher than in the syngeneic group. (F) Significantly higher levels of CD11b+ cells were found in allogeneic (FVB into DBA/1) grafts (day 60, P = 0.0045 and day 100, P = 0.0065; day 60 versus day 100, P = 0.0124) when compared to DBA/1 to DBA/1 transplanted hearts. The histological score is the mean of 3 HPF (20× magnification); at least five mice per group were analyzed. *P <0.05. HPF, high power field.