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. 2014 Feb 12;522(5):1072–1101. doi: 10.1002/cne.23466

Table 3.

Prenatal Distribution (E15–E21) of the Small-Conductance Calcium-Activated Potassium Channel Subunit SK31

Brain region E15 E17 E19 E21
Olfactory system
 Olfactory bulb
  Glomerular layer np np ++ +
  Mitral cell layer np np
  Internal granular layer np np np
 Accessory olfactory bulb np +++ ++
 Anterior olfactory nucleus np +++ ++
 Olfactory tubercle np np + +
Cerebral cortex
 Piriform cortex + ++
 Primordial plexiform layer +++ np np np
 Cortical neuroepithelium + + + +
 Molecular layer np
 Cortical plate np +++
 Intermediate zone np +++ + +
 Subventricular zone np +++ +++ ++
 Hippocampal formation
  Subicular neuroepithelium + ++ np np
  Subiculum (or diff. field) np +++ ++ ++
  Hippocampal neuroepithelium + + np np
  Hippocampus (or diff. field) +++ ++ np np
  CA1 np np +++ ++
  CA3 np np + +
  Dentate gyrus granule cells np np + +
Basal ganglia
 Striatum (or diff. field)
 Anterior thalamus (or diff. field) + +++ +++ ++
 Posterior thalamus (or diff. field) ++ ++ ++
 Intermediate thalamus (or diff. field) +++ +++ +++ ++
Trigeminal ganglion +++ ++
Inferior glossopharyngeal ganglion
Pons (or diff. field) + +++ ++
 Cerebellar neuroepithelium np np
 Cerebellum (or diff. field) np np
 Deep nuclei np np
 Purkinje cell layer np np
 External germinal layer np
 Granule cell layer np np
Spinal cord +++ +++
Dorsal root ganglia ++ ++
Intestine +++ +++

+++, strong; ++, moderate; +, weak; −, signals very low or below the threshold limit of detection; np, not present; •, not clearly identifiable; Diff. field, differentiating field.