The results of the systematic search are depicted in Figure 1. The major domains are positioned in the
centre of the circle. Some of the domains are further broken into subdomains,
when necessary. Each rectangle corresponds to a single neurobehavioural task.
The numbers correspond to task numbers in Table
1. The length of the rectangle reflects the number of studies
conducted with this task, and the colour reflects the overall outcome. Studies
with replications have a separate colour scheme from studies with no
replications (see legend). Asterisks indicate tasks that use food stimuli, as
opposed to generic stimuli, and rectangles in bold indicate tasks that are
discussed in more detail in this paper. Arrows indicate if task has been tested
in a longitudional design.
* = task uses food stimuli; ↑↓= Outward
arrow – task performance has been tested as a predictor of BMI change.
Inward arrow – BMI change has been tested as a predictor of task
performance; GNG= go/no go; IAT = Implicit Association Test; IGT
= Iowa Gambling Task; maze = Austin Maze; ns = not
significant; RRVf = Relative reinforcing value of food; s =
significant; span = Computational span; SST = stop-signal test;
WCST = Wisconsin Card Sorting Test