Plaque wall stress, flow shear stress and velocity plots from four models showing vessel bending, anisotropic vessel properties and axial stretch have considerable effect on stress/strain distributions and modest impact on flow features. κ is the curvature of the displacement curve imposed at the lower edge of the vessel (side of myocardium). Pin: pressure condition imposed at the inlet of the vessel. (a) M1, Pin=86 mmHg, curvature κ=97 m‒1, (b) M2, Pin=86 mmHg, no bending, (c) M3, Pin=86 mmHg, no bending, (d) M4, Pin=86 mmHg, κ=97 m‒1, (e) M1, FMSS, Pin=86 mmHg, κ=97 m‒1, (f) M2, FMSS, Pin=86mmHg, no bending, (g) M1, velocity, Pin=86 mmHg, κ=97 m‒1 and (h) M2, velocity, Pin=86 mmHg, no bending