Figure 1.
Phylogenetic analysis of the partial nucleotide sequences of non structural protein 1 (NS1) from Iranian isolates in comparison with different human Bocavirus genotypes. Three HBoV sequences (labeled with black squares), thirteen HBoV2 sequences (indicated with black triangles) and one HBoV3 sequence (labeled with black circle) were analyzed with thirty tree HBoV sequences of genotypes 1 to 4 (HBoV to HBoV4) available from GenBank as reference genes. Nucleotide sequences were aligned using CLUSTAL X software ( and compared with corresponding regions of reference sequences from the GenBank database, genetic distances were calculated by a Kimura two parameter algorithms and phylogenetic trees were constructed by neighbor joining (NJ) method. These analyses were performed using the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) program, version 3.1 ( The reliability of phylogenetic trees was confirmed by the bootstrap resampling test (n=1000). Bootstrap values >70% are presented at the branching points. BPV: Bovine parvovirus; MVC: Minute virus of canines; B19: human parvovirus B19. B19 was used as the out group. Sequences generated in the present study were submitted to GenBank under accession numbers: JF507199-JF705208 for (NP1) and JN091176-NJ091191 for (NS1).