Node or (Vertices) |
Each protein in network |
Edge or (link) |
Physical or functional interactions between proteins |
Hub |
Each “high-degree” node of a network |
Modules |
Group of sub networks in which each sub network includes a high number of inside-sub network links and a low number of between- sub network links |
Degree (k) |
The number of adjacent links |
Average degree (<k> ) |
The mean of all degree values of nodes in a network. |
Clustering Coefficient (<C> ) |
The proportion of links between the nodes within the i-neighborhood divided by the number of links that could possibly exist between them |
Shortest Path Length |
The steps (number of links) needed to connect every pair of nodes through their shortest path. |
Diameter |
The minimum number of links that separate the two most distant nodes in a network. |
Betweenness centrality |
Measures how often nodes occur on the shortest paths between other nodes |
Heterogeneity of a network |
the coefficient of variation of the degree distribution |