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. 2014 Winter;7(1):17–31.

Table 1.

Basic definitions in PPI network

Term Definition
Node or (Vertices) Each protein in network
Edge or (link) Physical or functional interactions between proteins
Hub Each “high-degree” node of a network
Modules Group of sub networks in which each sub network includes a high number of inside-sub network links and a low number of between- sub network links
Degree (k) The number of adjacent links
Average degree (<k> ) The mean of all degree values of nodes in a network.
Clustering Coefficient (<C> ) The proportion of links between the nodes within the i-neighborhood divided by the number of links that could possibly exist between them
Shortest Path Length The steps (number of links) needed to connect every pair of nodes through their shortest path.
Diameter The minimum number of links that separate the two most distant nodes in a network.
Betweenness centrality Measures how often nodes occur on the shortest paths between other nodes
Heterogeneity of a network the coefficient of variation of the degree distribution