Odonto/osteogenic differentiation in canonical NF-κB-inhibited SCAPs. (a) ALP activity at different time points in different groups (i.e., control, inhibitor, MM, and inhibitor + MM). (b) Real-time RT-PCR for the detection of ALP, BSP, OCN, RUNX2, OSX, DSP, OPN, DSP, and DMP-1 at day 3. The mRNA levels were normalized to GAPDH. (c) Real-time RT-PCR for the detection of ALP, BSP, OCN, RUNX2, OSX, DSP, OPN, DSP, and DMP-1 of SCAPs, respectively, in control, inhibitor, MM, and inhibitor + MM groups at day 7. (d) The odonto/osteogenic protein levels of SCAPs in control, inhibitor, MM, and inhibitor + MM groups were characterized by western blot analysis at day 3. β-ACTIN was used as a loading control. (e) Semiquantitative analysis demonstrated that the expression of BSP, OCN, RUNX2, OSX, DSP, OPN, DSP, and DMP-1 was more downregulated in NF-κB pathway-inhibited SCAPs than those in control group at day 3. (f) The odonto/osteogenic protein levels of SCAPs in control, inhibitor, MM, and inhibitor + MM groups were characterized by western blot analysis at day 7. (g) Semiquantitative analysis demonstrated that the expression of odonto/osteogenic markers (BSP, OCN, RUNX2, OSX, DSP, OPN, DSP, and DMP-1) was significantly more downregulated in NF-κB pathway-inhibited SCAPs than those in control group at day 7. (h) Alizarin red staining of SCAPs after 14 days of osteogenic induction. (i) Calcium quantification demonstrated the weaker calcium deposition in inhibitor and inhibitor + MM groups, as compared with control and MM groups, respectively.