RDE-12 binds to both primary and secondary Argonautes
(A) Identification of FLAG∷WAGO-1 interacting proteins. FLAG∷WAGO-1 immune complexes from N2 wild-type (−) and flag∷wago-1 transgenic worms (+) were resolved on a denaturing polyacrylamide gel, and proteins were visualized by colloidal blue staining. FLAG∷WAGO-1 is indicated with an asterisk, and a prominent 100 kDa interacting protein is indicated with an open arrow head.
(B) Specificity of RDE-12 antisera. Immunoblot analysis with RDE-12-specific antisera on extracts from wild-type (N2), rde-12(tm3644) and rde-12(tm3679) animals. The open and closed arrowheads indicate the expected mobility of RDE-12 produced in wild-type and tm3679 animals, respectively. The asterisk indicates a background band.
(C–G) RDE-12 interactions with AGO proteins. Immunoblot analyses of FLAG IP experiments to monitor RDE-12 interactions with (C) FLAG∷WAGO-1 in the presence (+) or absence (−) of RNase A, (D) FLAG∷WAGO-1 in wild type, WT and rde-3 mutant, (E) ERGO-1, (F) HA∷RDE-1 and (G) FLAG∷WAGO-6 lysates. flag transgenic lysates are indicated by a (+) in the headings above the blots. The protein blotted by the antibody probes used in each experiment is indicated to the right of each blot.