Structure of scaffoldless constructs. H and E staining shows that all constructs types are highly cellular as seen for βGP− (A), βGP+(B), and βGP−ACP+ (C).Scanning electron microscopy of the cross section of the of samples shows that constructs lacking ACP have a smooth dense center with a separate structure formed on the periphery as seen for βGP− at lower (D) and higher (G) magnifications and βGP+ at lower (E) and higher (H) magnifications, the arrows in (G) and (H) point to the peripheral structure. Whereas samples with ACP form a rough structure throughout and are lacking the separate peripherial structure as seen for βGP−ACP+ at lower (F) and higher (I) magnifications. Scalebars: A–C = 250 μm, D = 100 μm, E–I = 10 μm.