Figure 7. Dysregulation of dAdar auto-editing alters complex behaviors.
(a) Locomotor profile of dAdarWTLoxP control males under 12 h light: 12 h dark (LD) conditions. Top panel – bar graph showing mean LD activity in dAdarWTLoxP males (n = 65). Grey background indicates lights-off, white background indicates lights-on. Lower panel – mean locomotion in dAdarS (n = 67) and dAdarG (n = 77) males normalized to dAdarWTLoxP. Light bars indicate s.e.m. (b) Locomotor profiles of dAdarS and dAdarG males. (c) Total locomotor levels derived from single-fly activity data. (d–e) Total locomotor levels (d) and relative climbing ability (e) derived from vertical population activity monitors. Climbing was quantified by normalizing the beams breaks in the top third of the vertical vial to the total number of beam breaks. dAdarWTLoxP: n = 15 vials each containing 5 male flies; dAdarS: n = 14; dAdarG: n = 14. (f–g) Courtship in dAdarWTLoxP, dAdarS and dAdarG males. Although the fraction of time spent courting females was not significantly different between experimental and control genotypes (f), dAdarG males (n = 49) took significantly longer to initiate courtship relative to dAdarWTLoxP (n = 41) or dAdarS (n = 30) males (g). *: P < 0.05, **: P < 0.005, ***: P < 0.0005, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s HSD post-hoc test. Error bars, s.e.m.