(A) Silencing
of STIP1 in TOV-21G cells. The cells were tested
for TOV6 binding after 72 h of siRNA treatment. (B) Absence of PTK7
silencing with STIP1 siRNA treatment in TOV-21G cells. The cells were
tested for Sgc8 binding after 72 h of siRNA treatment. (C) Silencing
of STIP1 in A172 cells. The cells were tested for TOV6 binding after
72 h of siRNA treatment. (D) Absence of PTK7 silencing with STIP1
siRNA treatment in A172 cells. The cells were tested for Sgc8 binding
after 72 h of siRNA treatment. Key: red, A172 cells incubated with
streptavidin–Alexa 488 only; green, library-incubated cells;
black, scrambled siRNA-treated cells; dark blue, STIP1 siRNA 5; orange,
STIP1 siRNA 6; light blue, STIP1 siRNA 10; magenta, STIP1 siRNA 11.