Figure 6.
p53 transcription is inhibited downstream from PDGFRα signaling. (A–A″) Ybx1 transcripts are robustly expressed in the facial processes, somites, and neural tube at E10.5, as determined by whole-mount in situ hybridization. (B–B″) Trp53 transcripts also localize to the facial processes, somites, and neural tube at E10.5. (C) Ybox1 bound the p53 protein (arrowhead) following 30 min of PDGF-AA treatment in coimmunoprecipitation experiments using primary MEPM lysates. (WB) Western blot; (WCL) whole-cell lysate; (IP) immunoprecipitation. (D) Ybox1 bound up to two sites in the Trp53 promoter (−8/−4 and +50/+54) within the promoter region 3 (pR3) amplicon (−51/+115) exclusively following 30 min of PDGF-AA treatment in endogenous ChIP experiments in primary MEPM cells. No binding was observed in this region of the promoter in an IgG control sample or in the absence of ligand. Furthermore, no binding was observed in a coding sequence (CDS) negative control region. (E) Bar graph depicting qRT-PCR values revealing significantly reduced expression of Trp53 transcripts 30 min (48.15% ± 11.14%; P = 0.0124) to 24 h (51.99% ± 5.61%; P = 0.0008) after PDGF-AA treatment of primary MEPM cells. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. (*) P < 0.05; (**) P < 0.01; (***) P < 0.001.