Figure 3.
Self-stimulation behavior with phasic excitation of DA neurons during acquisition and extinction. (A) Mean rates of active- and inactive-lever presses and presses of individual mice (black dots) during acquisition. Active-lever values in sessions 3–7 were significantly greater than those of session 1 or 2 (Ps < 0.0005). (B) The cumulative presses of a representative mouse that responded at the rate of 243 per 5 min in session 7. When the cumulative lever-press count reaches 250, the count is reset at 0, and the angle of the cumulative-lever-press line indicates the rate of lever-press. Slashes indicate reinforcement incidents. (C) Rapid decrease in pressing during extinction. The data are mean with s.e.m. *P < 0.0005, value significantly lower than that of block 1 or 5.