EROD activity (A), pericardial area (B), and mortality (C) of zebrafish larvae exposed to BaP, AA, or BaP/AA and hypoxia or normoxia. (A) EROD activity was induced by BaP and reduced by AA and hypoxia (oxygen*BaP interaction: p<0.004; BaP*AA interaction: p<0.001; BaP*oxygen*AA interaction: p=0.3). (B) BaP did not induce pericardial edema under normoxia, but interacted with AA to induce pericardial edema (BaP*AA interaction: p<0.0001). Hypoxia exacerbated the toxicity of the BaP/AA combination (BaP*AA*oxygen interaction: p<0.03). (C) No mortality was induced by BaP, AA or the combination of the two under normoxia. However, significant mortality was seen in BaP/AA treated larvae co-exposed to hypoxia (BaP*AA*oxygen interaction: p<0.0001). X axis labels: N=normoxia, H=hypoxia. Treatments that do not share a letter are significantly different from one another in pairwise comparisons (p<0.05). Error bars are +/- standard error