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. 2014 May;80(10):3181–3190. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00044-14


SH test of gene phylogeny with the reference phylogeny based on SMc00019, truA, and thrA

Gene −ln La Difference in −ln Lb Pc
Off-island genes
    SMc00019 7,374.87 331.96 0.281
    truA 7,333.84 290.93 0.314
    thrA 7,266.93 224.02 0.373
    hsfA 7,600.97 558.07 0.11
    exoN 7,477.30 434.40 0.198
    phyR 7,699.41 656.50 0.071
    glyA 7,459.06 416.15 0.213
    fabB 7,658.13 615.22 0.087
    All off-island genes 7,111.34 68.48 0.404
Island genes
    rhcC2 15,655.20 8,612.30 0.000*
    trpD 13,532.42 6,489.51 0.000*
    fixA 14,849.94 7,807.03 0.000*
    nifA 15,863.37 8,820.46 0.000*
    nifH 14,704.16 7,661.25 0.000*
    nodV 14,933.56 7,890.65 0.000*
    nodC 15,866.32 8,823.41 0.000*
    All island genes 12,205.51 5,162.61 0.000*

−ln L, negative log-likelihood values correspond to those for the constrained topology.


Score differences between unconstrained and constrained trees.


Significance of difference in −ln L scores achieved by constrained and unconstrained trees, as assessed by SH test. *, P < 0.05.