Figure 7.
Synchrony with respiratory inputs. (A) Spike train time series of three selected neurons synchronized with respiration, aligned with the respiration signal. (B) Histograms of , i.e. the respiratory phase at the time of each spike. The vertical dotted lines indicate a 3-s time window around peak inspiratory pressure (phase = 0). (C) SI with respect to respiration as a function of τs. The thicker lines represent the three selected neurons. Non-statistically significant SI values (p > 0.01) are not shown. (D) Spike train time series of three selected neurons anti-synchronized with respiration, aligned with the respiration signal (in a different dog from panel A). (E) Histograms of , i.e. the respiratory phase at the time of each spike. (F) SI with respect to respiration as a function of τs in neurons anti-synchronized with respiration.