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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 Feb 22;20(6):794–800. doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2014.02.012


Demographic and treatment characteristics of study cohort and randomly selected sub-cohort.

Characteristic, n (%)* Cohort
Female 653 (47.4) 238 (46.8) 0.84
Age at transplant, years 0.79
  <20 302 (21.9) 110 (21.6)
  20–39 360 (26.1) 144 (28.3)
  40–59 604 (43.8) 217 (42.6)
  ≥60 113 (8.2) 38 (7.5)

Year of transplant 0.27
  1985–1994 365 (26.5) 150 (29.5)
  1995–2000 450 (32.6) 170 (33.4)
  2001–2005 564 (40.9) 189 (37.1)

Race/ethnicity 0.85
  White, non-Hispanic 1,161 (84.2) 436 (85.7)
  Black 30 (2.2) 11 (2.2)
  Hispanic 64 (4.6) 23 (4.5)
  Asian / Pacific Islander 39 (2.8) 9 (1.8)
  Other 19 (1.4) 8 (1.6)
  Unknown 66 (4.8) 22 (4.3)

Underlying diagnosis 0.63
  Acute leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome 443 (32.1) 184 (36.1)
  Chronic leukemia 206 (14.9) 67 (13.2)
  Lymphoma 305 (22.1) 106 (20.8)
  Multiple myeloma 169 (12.3) 53 (10.4)
  Breast cancer 77 (5.6) 34 (6.7)
  Neuroblastoma 50 (3.6) 18 (3.5)
  Other solid tumor 35 (2.5) 9 (1.8)
  Non-malignant blood disorder 51 (3.7) 22 (4.3)
  Immune/metabolic disease 25 (1.8) 7 (1.4)
  Multiple/systemic sclerosis 18 (1.3) 9 (1.8)

Pre-transplant exposures
  Alkylating agent - 277 (54.5)
  Anthracycline, mg/m2
    None - 151 (29.8)
    <200 - 124 (24.5)
    200–299 - 80 (15.8)
    ≥300 - 151 (29.8)
    Brain - 18 (3.5)
    Neck - 35 (6.9)
    Spine - 24 (4.7)
    Chest - 53 (10.4)
    Abdomen/pelvis - 41 (8.1)
    Prior total body/lymphoid - 3 (0.6)

  Stem cell donor 0.70
    Autologous 599 (43.4) 218 (42.8)
    Related allogeneic 491 (35.6) 191 (37.5)
    Unrelated allogeneic 289 (21.0) 100 (19.6)

  Stem cell source 0.53
    Marrow 584 (42.3) 220 (43.2)
    Peripheral blood 819 (59.4) 297 (58.3)
    Cord blood 12 (0.9) 2 (0.4)

Transplant conditioning regimen§
  No total body irradiation (TBI) 736 (53.4) 260 (51.1) 0.54
  TBI, 1–9 Gy 102 (7.4) 35 (6.9)
  TBI, ≥10Gy 541 (39.2) 214 (42.0)
  Cyclophosphamide/TBI 413 (29.9) 165 (32.4) 0.30
  Busulfan/cyclophosphamide 263 (19.1) 84 (16.5) 0.20

Chronic graft vs. host disease 483 (35.0) 175 (34.4) 0.79
  Resolved at last follow-up, ** - 113 (22.2)

Post-transplant relapse 359 (26.0) 146 (28.7) 0.25
  Relapse within 2 yrs of transplant 217 (15.7) 86 (16.9)

Died, any cause** 353 (25.6) 146 (28.7) 0.18

Proportions shown based on those without missing data.

Only determined for sub-cohort.

Exceeds totals because some individuals had mixed products as part of single or tandem transplants.


Categories are not mutually exclusive.


As of December 31, 2008.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure