Map of Mexico. BPR control zones are depicted in darker colour; these zones harbour vampire bats. Those states included have been referred in the text. Black dots are confirmed with BPR outbreaks (Note: the outbreaks in Aldama and Mexicali are not described in text but included in map). The white dot corresponded to a confirmed botulism outbreak (outbreak 4, Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León). The black dot with a white outline refers to a BPR outbreak (outbreak 2, Tamuin, San Luis Potosi) and to other different outbreak occurring in the same area in which there were both BPR and botulism (outbreak 3 Tamuin, San Luis Potosi). The gray dot with a black outline corresponds to the last outbreak, which is a concomitance of both PEM and BPR (outbreak 5, General Escobedo, Nuevo León). The map was modified from the original source: FAO/SAGARPA 2007