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. 2014 Apr 16;10:26. doi: 10.1186/1744-8069-10-26

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Mouse mechanosensitivity measured with von Frey filaments. (A) Illustration of the up-down von Frey testing paradigms described by Chaplan et al. [3] and the simplified up-down method (SUDO). (B) Frequency distribution of the paw withdrawal threshold (PWT) estimates calculated using the method of Chaplan et al., [3] for the mouse dataset that was analyzed (n = 1065). (C) Frequency distribution of the mouse PWT divided by experimenter to reveal data heterogeneity (beginner n = 318, intermediate n = 220, expert n = 527). (D) Frequency distribution of the total number of von Frey presentations (trials) per test.