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. 2014 May 14;9(5):e97485. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097485

Table 1. Demographic data on subjects recruited to measure MMP-8 levels in blood samples.

IPF patients Control subjects P value
Number of subjects 73 25
Age (years) 68.7 (7.9) 62.9 (10.4) 0.006
Gender (% male) 69.2 80.0 0.446
Caucasian (%) 96.8 96.0 0.642
Hispanic (%) 3.2 12.0 0.276
FVC (L) 2.65 (0.8) N/A††
FVC (% predicted) 69.8 (18.3) N/A
TLC (L) 4.0 (1.1) N/A
TLC (% predicted) 67.5 (21.0) N/A
DLCO (mL/min/mmHg) 13.3 (6.1) N/A
DLCO (% predicted) 49.9 (18.7) N/A
Smoking (pack years) 23.3 (14.1) 2.08 (8.2) <0.001

Data shown are mean results (with SD in parentheses) in both groups for age, gender, forced vital capacity (FVC), FVC % predicted (% pred), total lung capacity (TLC), TLC % predicted, diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO), DLCO % predicted, and smoking pack years.


N/A: not available.

MMP-8 levels were measured in plasma samples from 21 of the 25 control subjects, MMP-8 levels were measured in leukocytes isolated from up to 7 of the 25 control subjects, and MMP-8 levels were measured in both plasma and leukocyte samples obtained from 3 of the 25 control subjects.