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. 2014 Apr 11;53(18):2966–2978. doi: 10.1021/bi500116x

Table 1. X-ray Data Collection and Refinement Statistics.

data set hUSP11DU rUSP11DU
space group P21   P22121  
abc (Å) 27.7, 132.0, 72.0   37.3, 80.2, 149.3  
α, β, γ (deg) 90, 96.7, 90   90, 90, 90  
  all outer shell all outer shell
resolution (Å) 48.51–2.90 3.06–2.90 54.62–2.34 2.42–2.34
Rmergea 0.116 0.83 0.152 0.963
Rpimb 0.040 0.290 0.049 0.300
CC1/2c 0.998 0.881 0.998 0.62
no. of total reflections 104271 15039 225549 22220
no. of unique reflections 11440 1689 19 709 1860
mean ((I)/sd(I)) 13.9 3.3 13.1 2.9
completeness (%) 100 100 100 100
multiplicity 9.1 8.9 11.4 11.9
Rwork/Rfreed 0.231/0.297   0.221/0.264  
bonds (Å) 0.003   0.004  
angles (deg) 0.641   0.916  
Ramachandran outliers (%) 0   0  
Ramachandran favored (%) 95.5   97.7  
no. of residues 426   428  
average B factor protein (Å2) 71.6   57.6  
no. of waters 4   53  
average B factor waters (Å2) 56.8   56.9  
MolProbity score 1.73   1.41  

Rmerge = ∑hi |Ii(h)(h)|/∑hiIi(h).


Rpim = ∑h (1/N – 1)1/2i |Ii(h)(h)|/∑hiIi(h),h is the given reflection, (h) is the average intensity of each reflection and i is the ith measurement of reflection h.


CC1/2 is the Pearson correlation coefficient between random half-data sets.


Rwork = ∑h |Fobs(h)Fcalc(h)|/∑hFobs(h); Rfree corresponds to the Rwork based on 5% of the data excluded from refinement.