Fig. 5.
Stack plots of spectra from the right frontal lobe of seven healthy volunteers acquired with TR = 2.5 s, TE1 = 26 ms, TE2 = 72 ms, voxel size = 2×2×2 cm3, spectral width = 4000 Hz, number of data points = 2048, and number of averages = 128. The metabolite peaks over 3.7 ppm were partially suppressed by the water suppression pulses that had a bandwidth of ~350 Hz. a: Spectra that had no lineshape correction. Gaussian line broadening of 3 Hz was used. b: Spectra that were lineshape corrected using the new Wiener filtering method. Gaussian line broadening of 5 – 7 Hz was used. The NAA peaks are truncated except the two on the top row.