(A) Representative load versus time and corresponding displacement versus time plots illustrate the typical loading, hold, and unloading phases of each loading cycle. The hold phase used for load relaxation analysis, during which the displacement is held constant, is highlighted in orange. Load relaxation profiles compare control and ligated fibrous joints that underwent loading at 0.2mm/min (B) and 2.0mm/min (C) at the 6-week time point and 0.2mm/min (D) and 2.0mm/min (E) at the 12-week time point. Time values are plotted in logarithmic scale of base 10. Curves are offset for effective comparisons between control and ligated groups at each reactionary peak load. As such, the top row of graphs represents the hold phase of cycles loaded to a reactionary peak load of 15N, the second row represents those loaded to 10N, and the final row represents those loaded to 5N. 6-week control – black; 6-week ligated – green; 12-week control – blue; 12-week ligated – red.