Figure 2.
Stop trial RTs are bimodally distributed. (A) Mean RT distributions in Go (black) and Stop (red) trials. Thin lines represent the mean RT distribution for individual animals (n = 10). Stop trial RTs were bimodally distributed, with the fast RT peak largely overlapping with Go trial RTs. (B) Mean WT distributions in Stop trials. Thin lines represent the mean WT distribution for individual animals (n = 10). Vertical black dashed lines indicate onset and offset of the stop signal and correspond to the duration of the hold period. WTs were bimodally distributed, with the fast WT peak abruptly truncated within 150–200 ms after Stop signal onset. The color shadings indicate three types of Stop trials: failure-to-stop error (red), failure-to-wait error (blue) and stop success with reward (green). (C) Mean RT distributions in 95 sessions with the same SSDs for Go (black) and Stop (colored) trials. Stop trials were plotted separately for each SSD. This example illustrates that the relative proportion of the two RT peaks is a function of SSD. (D) WT distributions from the same Stop trials in (C) show that the fast WT peak is truncated at the same time point after stop signal onset irrespective of SSD.