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. 2014 Feb 4;3(1):24–33. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v3.i1.24

Table 3.

Studies in critically ill patients describing the association with fluid overload and worse outcome

Study Design Population Exposures Outcomes
Pediatric Studies
Goldstein et al[33] Retrospective Pediatric critically ill starting CRRT % FO ↑ % FO associated with ↑ mortality
Foland et al[60] Retrospective Pediatric critically ill starting CRRT % FO ↑ % FO associated with ↑ organ dysfunction + mortality
Sutherland et al[31] Retrospective Pediatric critically ill starting CRRT % FO ↑ % FO associated with ↑ mortality
Arikan et al[30] Retrospective Pediatric critically ill starting CRRT % FO ↑ % FO associated with ↓ lung function
Adult Studies
Payen et al[61] Post-hoc prospective Adult critically ill septic patients FB ↑ FB associated with ↑ mortality
Murphy et al[62] Retrospective Adult critically ill ALI patients AIFR + CLFM ↑ Survival for ↑ AIFR + ↑ CLFM
Bouchard et al[63] Post-hoc prospective Adult critically ill AKI patients % FO > 10% ↑ FB associated with ↑ mortality
Wiedemann et al[36] RCT Adult critically ill with ALI Conservative vs liberal fluid management strategy ↑ MV-free days; ↑ ICU-free days with conservative strategy
Fulop et al[64] Retrospective Adult critically ill starting CRRT VRWG ↑ VRWG associated with ↑ mortality
Boyd et al[65] Post-hoc analysis from VASST Adult critically ill septic patients Quartiles of FB + CVP at 12 h and 4 d ↑ FB at 12 h and 4 d associated with ↑ mortality; CVP < 8 at 12 h ↓ mortality
Grams et al[66] Post-hoc FACCT Adult critically ill with ALI + AKI FB + diuretics ↑ FB associated with ↑ mortality
Heung et al[67] Retrospective Adult critically ill starting CRRT % FO ↑ % FO associated with ↓ kidney recovery
Bellomo et al[68] Post-hoc RENAL Adult critically ill with AKI FB ↑ FB associated with ↑ mortality

Adapted from Raghunathan et al[58]. ALI: Acute lung injury; AIFR: Adequate initial fluid resuscitation; CLFM: Conservative late fluid management; VRWG: Volume-related weight gain; AKI: Acute kidney injury; CVP: Central venous pressure; ICU: Intensive care unit; RCT: Randomized clinical trial.