Table 1.
Respondent physician characteristics (N = 79)
Physician characteristics | N (%)* |
Age |
< 40 years |
68 (86) |
40 to 60 years |
11 (14) |
Gender |
Male |
45 (57) |
Female |
34 (43) |
Physician level of practice |
Housestaff |
48 (61) |
Attending |
31 (39) |
Current or planned clinical practice |
Primary care internal medicine |
40 (51) |
Internal medicine subspecialty |
37 (47) |
Undecided |
2 (3) |
Current or planned practice location |
Metropolitan |
74 (94) |
Suburban |
7 (9) |
Rural |
0 (0) |
Self-Reported factors influencing clinical practice
Supportive evidence |
76 (96) |
Prior or local practice patterns (culture) |
71 (90) |
Prior experience |
56 (71) |
Patient demand |
42 (53) |
Malpractice concern |
29 (37) |
Hospital profit |
14 (18) |
Individual profit |
9 (11) |
Sources of information used to inform clinical practice
Peer-reviewed journals |
64 (81) |
Practice guidelines |
60 (76) |
Prior experience |
44 (56) |
Other resources |
36 (46) |
Continuing medical education events (local and national) | 9 (11) |
*Percentages may not sum to 100 because of rounding.
†Responses not mutually exclusive.