Figure 4.
Isolated monomer building block 2: (a) nc-AFM image of an isolated monomer 2 on Au(111) (T = 4 K, tip height corresponds to tunnel current set point Vs = 50 mV and I = 35 pA above Au(111)). (b) Experimental constant-height dI/dV map of monomer 2 shown in a at Vs = 1.2 V depicts the spatial distribution of the monomer LUMO. (c) GW calculation of the local density of states of the LUMO for a free-standing monomer 2. (d) STM dI/dV point spectroscopy performed on the monomer shown in a at the position indicated by the yellow cross reveals the monomer LUMO at Vs ≈ 1.2 V (blue arrow) compared to a reference spectrum on bare Au(111) (spectra are normalized by their respective values at Vs = 0.6 V, open feedback spectroscopy starting parameters Vs = 1.5 V, I = 0.5 nA, T = 4 K).