Fig. 2.
PrepaCyte-CB provides the most efficient recovery of haematopoietic stem cells than other methods tested. (A) Recovery of late stage haematopoietic (CD34+/CD133−) stem cells was greater with PrepaCyte-CB at 74.41% (SD±8.89) than Sepax; 73.91% (SD±16.86), plasma depletion; 73.88% (SD±22.26) Hetastarch; 56.48% (SD±21.99) and density gradient separation methods 22.83% (SD±18.56). However, results are only significant when compared to HES (p=0.05). (B) Recovery of mid stage haematopoietic (CD34+/CD133+) stem cells stem cells was greater with PrepaCyte-CB at 65.83% (SD±14.22) than Hetastarch; 64.21% (SD±17.89), Sepax; 60.98% (SD±14.90), plasma depletion; 54.30% (SD±26.79) and density gradient separation methods 27.43% (SD±13.37). However, results are only significant when compared to density gradient (p=<0.01). (C) Recovery of early stage haematopoietic (CD34−/CD133+) stem cells was greater with PrepaCyte-CB at 62.59% (SD±16.23) than plasma depletion; 60.10% (SD±28.5), Sepax; 48.50% (SD±15.06) Hetastarch; 48.40% (SD±26.2) and density gradient separation methods 13.06% (SD±9.36). However, results are only significant when compared to density gradient (p=<0.01). CD34+ cell numbers and viability were calculated using flow cytometric analysis of CD34 antibody and 7AAD uptake. Flourochromes used were FITC for CD45+ cells, PE for CD34+ cells and 7AAD for viability.